
Lenny Bendell, CCCE, Principal
Lenny is a founding member of On Target Group and Compliance Solutions and has been a practicing professional in the debt collection industry since 1972. For 18 years he owned and operated one of the largest collection agencies in the state of Florida and pioneered the collection of non- revenue producing judgments into a systematic and efficient process revenue stream.
For the past 8 ½ years he has served as Director of Operations for Sprechman & Fisher, P.A. , a debt collection law firm, where he has been responsible for all operations of debt collection and compliance for all federal consumer protection statutes. Lenny is certified as FDCPA compliance trained and holds the Certified Consumer Credit Executive certification (CCCE). Lenny is the author of two books, “It’s Your Money” and “Compliance Guide to A CFPB Examination For Debt Collectors”.

Gregory Warrick, MBA, Principal
Greg is a founding member of On Target Group and Compliance Solutions. Prior to On Target Group, Greg was a senior management executive in both the federal government and the private sector. Greg’s thirty plus years of experience include senior management roles as both and inspector and as a responder to federal IG (inspector general) teams working with both the private sector and the US Government.
In his various roles he has worked with the US Navy, US Army, US Departments of Justice, Health and Human Services, GSA, Social Security Administration, Homeland Security and the FDIC as well as both Fortune 500 Companies and Small Businesses. Greg understands the government inspector/examiner’s point of view. He uses that perspective and his extensive experience to aid organizations in preparing and responding to government audits and site visits. He also is an expert adept at assisting organizations in working within government guidelines, protocols, and